Posts by tag: london

by Alex aka Chief WOWness in / corporate / events / press42
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Do you want to change your company’s corporate culture? Learn how now!

Do you want to change your company’s corporate culture? Learn how now!

Hello, everyone! We’re very happy to announce that we’re partnering with our good friends from Improvement21 to deliver a new workshop on CultureHack in London! What is this CultureHack thing? Well, we will be focusing on Change Management, Culture improvement and Storytelling in a business context. So, essentially, how do

by Alex aka Chief WOWness in / events / press42 / startups
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Before and after of a startup story

As we said before, here are some amazing examples that came out of the PR and communication workshop we gave in London a couple of weeks ago. Many thanks to Danny Currie from Gavurin, one of the startups that attended the workshop and shared with us both pieces, the original