• If you don’t feel comfortable with it, drop it
    by Alex aka Chief WOWness in / pitching / startups
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    If you don’t feel comfortable with it, drop it

    We’ve all experienced a proliferation of startup programs across the geography. With new programs come more mentors. Some are more valuable than others. And we all know this. There are two sides to mentoring. The advice received and the implementation of that advice. Most mentors will give contradictory advice. This

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  • Do you want to change your company’s corporate culture? Learn how now!
    by Alex aka Chief WOWness in / corporate / events / press42
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    Do you want to change your company’s corporate culture? Learn how now!

    Hello, everyone! We’re very happy to announce that we’re partnering with our good friends from Improvement21 to deliver a new workshop on CultureHack in London! What is this CultureHack thing? Well, we will be focusing on Change Management, Culture improvement and Storytelling in a business context. So, essentially, how do

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  • The malleable nature of stories
    by Alex aka Chief WOWness in / corporate / storytelling
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    The malleable nature of stories

    One of the most powerful aspects of stories is their malleable nature. You can tell a story today and if the story is good enough, it will be told long after you created it. Sometimes the story is so good, it will be told for generations to come. What is

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by Alex aka Chief WOWness in / storytelling
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Organizational storytelling on The Digital Loop

Last week I was invited to talk about Organizational Storytelling for one of the Digital Loop episodes run by two good friends, Paul and Ivan. I was really honored to be asked to participate as I have massive respect for both. It was a lot of fun, specially trying to

by Alex aka Chief WOWness in / storytelling
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True storytelling: When stories are invisible

True storytelling: When stories are invisible

Some weeks ago I had someone in the audience asking me the following question: “Isn’t there too many people trying to pitch their product with a story that it’s better that you differentiate yourself by not using stories at all?”. I had to agree with him. The problem is, once

by Alex aka Chief WOWness in / marketing / startups
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Are startup pitches really THAT important?

Are startup pitches really THAT important?

The plague of start-up accelerators has brought one clear thing, pitching fatigue. People are sick to their heart of pitch practice sessions, how to do the ultimate investor deck and similar topics. Every time someone mentions the word demo-day you can see the eye rolling conga. It’s not that most

by Alex aka Chief WOWness in / events
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Heading to TNW Conference

Heading to TNW Conference

For all the traveling I did this year, 2013 has been pretty quite for me. I needed my rest and I’ve enjoyed staying home for more than one week straight. Like many of my colleagues all over the world, conference fatigue symptoms have been appearing left and right. Now, I’ve decided to

by Alex aka Chief WOWness in / startups
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The future of books: Crowdfunding

The future of books: Crowdfunding

I’m a huge book fan. Not only do I have a massive library at home, but I’ve embraced all the new e-book technologies and I’ve been the proud owner of at least five different e-book readers so far. Having used them extensively, both as a reader and a writer, I’ve

by Alex aka Chief WOWness in / storytelling
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Connecting a story with content

One of the most common questions I get when I give a talk on storytelling for start-ups is how to expand the story all the way to the financial slides or business model slides. It seems unavoidable to be boring and dull while walking over those concepts. It is indeed,

by Alex aka Chief WOWness in / Education / innovation / startups
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Tech Cofounders: Lack of developers or lack of imagination?

Tech Cofounders: Lack of developers or lack of imagination?

“Hello, my name is X and I’m looking for a tech cofounder“. This is the natural state of my inbox as of lately. That there is a scarcity of developers is not news. You can read it everywhere. What is rare though, are people trying to fix this. As always,

by Alex aka Chief WOWness in / corporate / storytelling
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Organizational storytelling, what is it?

Organizational storytelling, what is it?

Storytelling is one of those abilities that are really hard to sell, specially in a corporate setting. There are two main reasons. The first one is what I call, the “Once upon a time” issue. Most people, when exposed to the concept of storytelling can only think about fairy tales.

by Claire Wiz Adamson in / startups
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Why do all wine apps suck balls?

Why do all wine apps suck balls?

One of my favourite ideas that I like to pose to people is the similarity between the wine industry and the startup world. Both are a perfect blend of art and technology where passionate wine makers and entrepreneurs use science to create something beautiful.  But I’m not convinced that these

by Alex aka Chief WOWness in / corporate / storytelling
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Are you a good storyteller?

Are you a good storyteller?

I believe few people truly understand the role of the storyteller. There is much written about the art of storytelling, but few people devote a single line to the person behind the curtain. Telling stories is becoming more and more important in any organization, but we still don’t understand what