Posts by tag: stories

by Alex aka Chief WOWness in / storytelling
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Quality of stories or attention span

Quality of stories or attention span

This past week our dear chief editor at shared with us a very interesting piece on The Guardian about digital distractions and our attention spans. Stuart Jeffries makes a very compelling argument about how this might not be true. He explores the rise of the long novels like The

by Alex aka Chief WOWness in / corporate / storytelling
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Stories and data

Stories and data

One of the places where stories create major impact is in engineering or scientific driven companies, I call this data stories. This isn’t because they’re smarter or anything along those lines, but quite the opposite. Data driven people tend to have huge issues with communicating the right data at the

by Alex aka Chief WOWness in / branding / storytelling
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Corporate storytelling in the age of social media

Corporate storytelling in the age of social media

Corporate storytelling narratives need a new approach. If you read most of the literature out there on the topic, the feeling is that of old school press release storytelling command and control. Cold, unemotional narratives are praised against personal emotional stories. One of the major arguments is that corporate people

by Alex aka Chief WOWness in / branding / storytelling
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Using Social Media isn’t storytelling

Using Social Media isn’t storytelling

It’s funny to see how so many companies mix the concept of social media and storytelling. I was recently watching a video by Dow Chemicals, on how their scientists where using storytelling. It ended up being a talk on how they empowered their scientists with social media and allowed them